General info

Ukraine is located in the Eastern Europe at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. Ukraine borders on Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus and Russia. With the total area of 603,700 sq. km, Ukraine is one of the biggest countries of Europe. Ukraine’s population counts 48 000 000 people.

The Ukrainian national emblem is a golden Trident (tryzoob) which dates back to the princes of Rus of Kyiv.

The State language is Ukrainian. Many Ukrainians are bilingual and speak Russian as well. Among foreign languages the most popular is English, but it is not possible to guarantee that you would meet lots of Ukrainians speaking English fluently.

The country is subdivided into 24 regions (oblasts) and the autonomous republic Crimea.

The capital is Kyiv ("Kiev" in Russian transliteration).

Time: GMT + 2 hours

The climate is moderately continental and comparatively dry with more than 290 sunny days in the year in the southern Ukraine (Black Sea coast, Crimea). Average winter temperature: from -8 to -15 C. Average summer temperature: from +18 to +25 C

The most part of the country is in low-lying lands, fertile plains with two highland areas: in the South - Crimean Mountains (the highest peak: mt. Ramantkosh, 1,545 meters) and in the West - Carpathian Mountains (the highest peak: mt. Hoverla, 2,061 meters). The southern coast of Ukraine is washed by the Black and the Azov Sea, coast line is 2,782 km. The majority of Ukrainian rivers flow into the Black Sea, among the biggest are the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Danube, the Desna, the Pivdenyj (Southern) Booh.

Ukraine is a republic with a constitutional and democratic form of government headed by the President. Executive branch: Cabinet of Ministers appointed by the Parliament and approved by the President. Legislative branch: unicameral Parliament of 450 seats.